I can still open the mugen shortcut but not the normal one and it still has that gray background.Įdit 2: I have an idea! How about someone that is using this screenpack just send me their mugen with all the characters and stages removed since I can't get this thing to work. Error message: Can't open data/EVE Battle/f Error loading system data data/mugen1/f I get this error message when I try to open mugen. I included a template to create some custom life ports for yourself using Photoshop or GIMP. They need custom life ports, you can find some here made by Juaniquillo555 and I uploaded a pack for JoJo HFTF and Guilty Gear (More packs coming soon). I replaced that system with the one that came with the screenpack and now I have a new problem. There is two packs: one is 640 x 480 and the other is 1280 x 720. What am I missing? I'm using mugen 1.0 and this is a 1.0 screenpack downloaded from Doomguy's site.Įdit: I just realized I forgot mugen is reading the system file that's in the mugen1 folder and not the one in the data. The sound changed but not the gray background. I followed a tutorial that just tells you to copy ans paste the font and data folders, into the mugen folder to overwrite the old font and data but it's still showing the old screen.